PostHeaderIcon Enrolling on Medicare – Initial Enrollment

Turning 65 years old and enrolling in Medicare seem to be a pleasant change. Getting rid of the expensive health insurance is a welcome transformation, until one is faced with all the choices they have to make.

Medicare has parts which are A, B, C, and D.

Part A covers hospitalization, qualified nursing home rehabilitations, and mental health hospitalizations. Part B covers outpatient hospital services,  doctor visits, diagnostic services, such as blood tests, x-ray, MRIs, CT Scans, injectable drugs, durable medical equipment, etc. Part D is a drug plan for pharmacy based prescriptions. Medicare part C is an exchange of all of the above to convert Medicare into a “private insurance”.

Medicare does not pay for medical care in full; therefore there is a need for a supplemental plan. So, to further confuse matters those supplemental plans comes lettered as well. Presently those letters run from A to N. Some counties are skipping some letters in between.

Moreover, through the Medicare program there are about 40 prescription plans available in each state. Prices, coverage, administrative rules, deductibles, co-pays, and cost shares vary between these plans. Medicare made every effort to streamline and explain all these details, but unfortunately there are so many rules and details, that most people get lost in the information overload.

We are at MedBillsAssist explain all parts of Medicare and help you chose the best possible solution for your specific needs.

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